Social Media

2 min readSep 24, 2021

For as long as I can remember, social media has been a big part of my life and I’m sure many of you can relate as well. Everyone has their own opinion on whether they think it’s a positive or negative thing in our lives. But we can all agree that it affects our lives in many ways.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

In the video, Social Media, Social Life: Teens Reveal Their Experiences, they discussed many negative about social media. A few positive things that teenagers shared in their video were that it’s a great source of communication to many and it helps them feel less lonely. One teenager even said they don’t feel depressed because there’s someone they can always talk to and someone who’s always there for you. Another shared how they do artwork and they use social media as a place to display their work. This is very smart because one of the best things about social media is that you can use it as a marketing tool to further your dreams and aspirations.

In the video, they also discussed the negatives of social media. One thing that a few of them mentioned was how it’s a distraction. For example, when they’re trying to do school work and receive a notification, they easily get sidetracked and start forgetting about their responsibilities. Another negative thing is that teens get bullied a lot on social media which can cause serious depression. Lastly, one student shared how you can’t really express your feelings and get your emotions across and that sometimes he just wishes it wasn’t a thing so that he can just go play basketball with his friends.

After reading the articles and watching the video from this week’s reading, I learned a lot about teenagers' perspectives on social media. Overall, I think that social media is a great tool and can be used effectively and in a safe way. In the world that we live in today, we need social media because everything is on the internet. It can be a place to grow, express yourself, and all of your future endeavors. But always just remember to be careful and use it safely.

